1. Mold
Molds are part of the fungi family that release spores that float through the air. If we don't take care of our home's cleanliness, humidity, and ventilation, mold can negatively affect our health. It can cause stuffy noses, wheezing, and red itchy skin or eyes. It can also worsen allergies or asthma.
2. Household Products We don't realize it, but sometimes the things we use at home can cause indoor air pollution. These can include cleaning, carpentry, auto repair, gardening, and many other household items. And what happens is that they can contain ingredients that can harm us, the people we love, and the environment. At high doses, when we inhale, swallow, or absorb them through the skin, it can potentially lead to brain damage and even death. 3. Carbon Monoxide
It's scary to know that something invisible and odorless can be so harmful. That's what carbon monoxide is. It's usually found in combustion fumes made by cars. But it can also come out of lanterns, stoves, gas ranges, and heating systems. And when left unchecked and without a good flow of air, they can build up. Symptoms can include headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, and chest pain. Ultimately, it can cause sudden illness and death.