1. New Builds
If you’re living in a new home that was completed within 1 to 3 years, there’s a high chance some little hairline cracks may begin appearing. The fresh lumber is often high in moisture, so shifts slightly as it starts drying out. Even the slightest movement can cause cracks in your walls. They’re most likely to show up around the joints. These cracks are nothing to worry about and usually subside once the new build settles.
2. Temperature and humidity fluctuations
Fluctuations in temperature and humidity, especially those sudden in nature, can cause walls to crack. The materials that your interior walls are constructed out of usually expand and contract in minuscule amounts in response to these fluctuations. This can result in little cracks showing up on your walls. The sudden fluctuations are usually found where there is air conditioning in use periodically, or where walls have high direct sun exposure during the day.
3. Low-quality products
One of the most common causes of cracks in homes throughout America and the world is the use of less than optimal quality paint, plaster, and drywall. These low-quality products are extra sensitive to the temperature and humidity fluctuations we discussed above, as well as being more prone to cracking in general.
4. Internal and external leaks
If you notice a crack in your walls that has a yellow or brown tinted discoloration to it, that could be a tell-tale sign of water damage. Leaks can be a result of leaking windows and roofs or damaged internal or external plumbing. Leaks can result in moisture build-up within the walls which leads to them deteriorating over time and cracking. Leaks outside your home can cause movement in the soil and softening of the ground which can lead to cracks in your walls too. It’s essential to remedy the leak before fixing the crack.
5. Normal wear and tear
As property ages, a reasonable amount of wear and tear is to be expected. And often, that can include little cracks in your walls. A commonplace to find these aging cracks is above windows and doors. These cracks are generally a result of movement and climate changes. Usually, they are nothing to be concerned about and can be easily patched up.