Do Your Research
Most repair mishaps stem from preconceived notions of how a project should advance. Be sure to do your research thoroughly, from common oversights to expert tips, before diving in. This will eliminate any chance of running into hiccups along the way, or having to duplicate work.
Establish a Clear Plan of Action
Once you've referenced your resources and developed an in-depth understanding of what's ahead, take some time to outline a game plan. Don't leave any element to chance; if it's a larger undertaking, bucket the overall project into more manageable stages, and give yourself estimated time frames and deadlines for completion. This way, your repairs can simply be an expected and stress-free item on the agenda, not a time-consuming extracurricular.
Get Your Materials Organized
You've done the research. You have a ready-to-execute plan. Now, it's time to collect all necessary tools and materials—and maybe some just-in-case extras, too. Having everything at your fingertips before you get started saves you trips to the hardware store, and ensures you won't experience delays in completion to order that one forgotten product online.